I become a “professor” for a day


Recently, I had the pleasure of becoming a “professor” for a day as part of the Science Communication class at MPŠ, thanks to Saša Novak. With this, another big wish of mine has come true, as I love, love, love teaching because through teaching, you get the amazing opportunity to positively impact so many people.
During the lecture, we discussed how to efficiently present scientific results, covering various aspects of the process, from crafting a story to delivering it and befriending the fear of public speaking. I was fortunate to have this opportunity to teach a fantastic group of students who actively participated in the lecture and made it better.

Thank you, Saša, and all the participants, including Pia and Marko, who took the time to prepare reviews <3:

“Arijana’s lecture that I attended at the Jožef Štefan International Graduate School was truly inspiring and refreshing. In a very fun and interactive way, she introduced us to the key things that we should pay attention to during the preparation for the presentation and the presentation itself. I would definitely recommend Arijana’s workshop to anyone who is afraid of going on stage and speaking in front of an audience, because she has the skill to point out how irrational that fear actually is.” Marko Marohnić

“Presenting research is something that we scientists often neglect, but Arijana’s lecture taught me that presenting your work is not only important, but that it can also be enjoyable. Not only did she provide precise tips and tricks for making a presentation stand out, but what reassured me the most was her emphasis on the idea that one shouldn’t try to change themselves for a presentation. Instead, it should reflect your personality.” Pia Marinček