Online workshop, Towards fearless presenting, Science edition


In the October 2023, I had the pleasure of leading an online workshop Towards fearless presenting, Science edition, for an amazing group of over 30 scientists, researchers, and educators. This group included participants with varying levels of experience in public speaking, from early career scientists to seasoned communicators from all over Europe (and beyond). During the workshop, we discussed how to present scientific data to different audiences, from scientists to a broader audience, and covered several important aspects of a good presentation, e.g., how to prepare a compelling story, how to deliver it (the importance of the voice and body language), what stage fright is and how to cope with it. We did it all in a very interactive way using polls, word clouds, videos and exercises. I really enjoyed the workshop and, according to some of the participants, they did as well. Some of the reviews from te participants:

“I have over 20 years of experience as a lecturer and I am glad I attended the workshop”

“Even though it lasted 3 hours, I was with you every moment. The workshop was not only educational but also motivating.”

“I attended my first online workshop with Arijana “Towards fearless presenting, Science edition”, and I have enjoyed it very much. The workshop was very well organised, and it run smoothly, so the time spent online passed quicky as it was truly enjoyable and not boring. Arijana’s explanation was very clear, and she also gave us the possibility to interact during the workshop in a fun way but still remaining in our comfort zones. The methodology used by Arijana is very effective, in fact, the way she organised the workshop kept my attention on during the whole session. Also, many details and info easily remained in my mind, as it was a nice and also funny way to assimilate new concepts. Arijana also showed us many useful new tools and tricks to face and organise our scientific presentations. Looking forward to following more workshops with Arijana. I recommend her 100%.” Marina Maritati, AquaBioTech Group

Created 01.11.2023